Todoist student
Todoist student

todoist student

No, that is not a typo, it really is called Todoist – and of course it’s main features are amazing to-do lists. You can also share your mind maps, so you can create a group of mind maps on each topic! 5. It’s good for visual learners as you can change the colours of the boxes and add pictures and text to make it more memorable for you.

todoist student

Its useful for all subjects as you can sort your mind maps into topics and sub-topics, it’s a great way to keep work your work organised. Mindly is a great study resource, especially for recapping lectures and capturing your ideas.

todoist student

You can also get apps for PowerPoint, Excel, One Note and One Drive! 4. It also means that all your notes are consistent, so it looks a lot more organised. Having all your documents in the same format makes it a lot easier when you do transfer them to the computer or are emailing your professor your assignments. You do need a Microsoft account but if you have one on your computer it will work on your phone as well. This app is great for working on assignments whilst travelling or when you don’t have access to a computer. It’s also a good standard dictionary so you can keep up in lectures and fully understand your course. Unlike Google Translator and other search engine translators, Word Reference gives you all the possible meanings of your word so that there is no confusion. Word Reference is an online dictionary app, which is especially useful if you’re studying a language as it also acts as a translator for words and phrases.

Todoist student